First OCDS Congress


The province was not that big at the time. We had Secular Order chapters in Oklahoma City; Dallas & San Antonio in Texas; St Louis, New Orleans, Shreveport and Lafayette in Louisiana; Jackson in Mississippi; and Little Rock in Arkansas. Some members attended the congress from Chicago, but I doubt Felix went so far as to consider Chicago part of his province.
The congress was planned for October at the newly christened monastery of Marylake. The general assemblies and liturgies were held in the monastery’s large chapel. The smaller gatherings of panel discussions were held, and the religious articles shop was set up, in Dr. Brinkley’s Administ

Fr. Felix describes the “official delegates” to the Congress: “The delegates for each Chapter are the Spiritual Director, the Prior or Prioress, and a member chosen by the Chapter or the Spiritual Director.” [LFM, Aug ’52, p. 14] In addition to the official delegates, “This Congress is open to all members of the Third Order.” [LFM, Oct ’52, p. 14] Seventy-four persons signed the register. The attendance was divided as follows: Jackson, Miss. honored us with its Bishop. The other Jackson delegate was the life of the Congress, Rev. Fr. J.G. Chatham. Other Chapters represented, in their alphabetical order, were: Chicago, 7; Dallas 10; Lafayette, La., 1; Oklahoma City, 8; New Orleans, 5; St. Louis, 9; San Antonio, 2; Shreveport, 6; the host chapter, Little Rock, 35. [LFM, Dec ’52, p. 14]
The congregants arrived at Marylake Friday afternoon. Registration for the congress took place on Marylake’s back porch and had been scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Bishop Fletcher of Little Rock and Father Felix were there to welcome the members of our order as they arrived.
Very Reverend Father Felix, O.C.D., Director of the Third Order and Prior of Marylake, gave a hearty welcome to the Tertiaries who assembled in the Chapel at 5 p.m. on Friday, October 10, in the presence of His Excellency, the Most Reverend Albert L. Fletcher, D.D., Bishop of Little Rock. Fr. Felix, the human dynamo behind the Congress, expressed deep satisfaction at the attendance.


The St. Louis community led a panel discussion in the Administration building after the Pontifical Mass. Then after a picnic lunch, V

His theme was "Mary, Mother of Man." Father missed the ordination to the priesthood of three Carmelite students of his monastery, held that day in Oklahoma City, in order to be present here for the Secular Order.
He spoke forcefully and with realism of world conditions today and of our complacency in the face of catastrophe. We must stop straddling the fence and choose as our leader Mary, mother of man, God's own personal trouble-shooter, and so convert Russia. He urged that it is only logical to use Mary against the diabolical forces attempting to destroy humanity, as God has used her from the beginning.
Let us destroy the leader of hell, said Father Elias, through Mary's simple prescription --prayer and penance. Unless we turn to Mary, we will need no enemy to destroy us: we will destroy ourselves. She will be the mother of all men to the end, and her brown scapular is the loving arms of a mother around us.
In spite of the lofty spiritual content of the Congress, a note of true Carmelite gaiety was evident and a down-to-earth quality that argued for the well-balanced personalit

After Father Elias’ conference a panel discussion led by Mr. Jack Nowery, of the Shreveport Chapter. The Resolutions committee met after that at 3:30 p.m. Mr. Callahan, of Dallas Chapter, presided. Miss Virginia Dellitt of Dallas was Chair-person of the Resolutions Committee which consisted of one member from each Chapter: Rev. Josiah George Chatham (Jackson), Mrs. Rosemary Smith (Little Rock), Mrs. Charlotte Wiest (Oklahoma City), Hubert Mayeux (Shreveport), Miss Dorothy Walker (New Orleans), Leo P. Champagne (Lafayette), John F. Klohr (St. Louis), Dr. H. R. Casolary (Chicago), Miss Carmen Chalkley (San Antonio) & Mrs. Mamie Hall (Dallas).
Other features of the Congress enjoyed by Tertiaries were the singing of Terce in the Chapel by members of the First Order, and in the evening after Benediction the beautiful chanting of the Salve Regina. Between events, Tertiaries strolled through the picturesque grounds of Marylake.

The final conference of the day was given by Father Pascal Pierini from Mt. Carmel, our minor seminary in Dallas. Father is the Assistant for the chapter that meets there on West Davis Street. Fr. Pascal is Choir Director the Seminary and also organist for the Congress. He completed the day’s series of talks on Mary.
Saturday ended with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. After a full and perfect day, all drove back to Little Rock, quite ready for a night's rest. Meanwhile th

Sunday began at 8:00 a.m. with a Panel Discussion led by the New Orleans Chapter Tertaries. This gave Father Provincial time to rest before presiding at the 10:00 O’Clock solemn high Mass. Fr. Evarist had been in Oklahoma City for the ord

Tertiary priests assisted Father Provincial at the Mass. Frs. Danter & Chatham had faithfully attended every exercise. Fr. J. Marion Jorda, T.O.C.D., of New Orleans preached the sermon.

Cyril, the great Carmelite patriarch, standing against Nestorius, was responsible for the addition of the words, "Mother of God," to the Hail Mary. The Crusaders came to Palestine and since that time every Carmelite saint has been a Crusader. Father Francis briefly traced the history of Carmel in the West, beginning with St. Simon Stock who received the brown scapular from Mary and organized the Order throughout Europe. It was Blessed John Soreth who secured the approval of the Pope for the Tertiary Rule on October 7, 1452. St. Teresa of Avila, the mother of Discalced Carmelites, was described as "a manly Crusader," --the greatest of all times-- who campaigned not against the Calced Carmelites, but rather for a spirituality of a higher order. Touching also on St. John of the Cross and Therese of Lisieux, Father Francis brought his challenging sermon to a close with a plea to Tertiaries, whom Mary has brought into the land of Carmel, to give away the fruits found there.
"Carmel's Spirit of Prayer and Penance" was the subject of a talk at 2:00 p.m. Sunday by Father Charles McGinnis, T.0.C.D., of Benton, Ark. With the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for men as backdrop, he stressed the mercy of God which made prayer and penance easy for the saints. Tertiaries were urged to relax in the arms of God Who asks of us love, the greatest gift, and sacrifice as proof of love. Love grows through sacrifice, said Father McGinnis, and dies without sacrifice. Carmelites should take the attitude of the publican and say, "0 God be merciful to me a sinner." Love is founded on humility. [29]
At 4:30 p. m. Father Felix gave the Papal Blessing and a stirring talk in which he further developed the Carmelite ideal of a life of prayer and penance,

October 10, 11, 12
The Third Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Comes to Marylake
To imbibe the Carmelite Spirit
MARYLAKE, Saline Co., Ark. (P.O. Address: Hensley, Ark.) Tel: Little Rock 5-9845
4:30 p. m. Registration
5 :00 p. m. Keynote address: His Excellency, Most Rev. Richard O.
Gerow, Bishop of Natchez
“Mary and Carmel in World Peace"
9:00 a. m. Pontifical High Mass His Excellency, Most Rev. Albert L.
Fletcher, Bishop of Little Rock
Sermon: Rev. Albert F. Danter, T.O.C.D., of St. Louis
“Mary, the Mother of God"
11:30 a. m. Panel Discussion: St. Louis Chapter Tertiaries
12:00 noon Lunch
The Purpose and Scope of the Congress
1:30 p. m. Conference: Very Rev. Fr. Elias, O.C.D.,
Prior Little Flower Shrine, Oklahoma City
“Mary, the Mother of Men"
2:30 p.m. Panel Discussion Mr. Jack Nowery,
of Shreveport Chapter, presiding
Membership and Library Problems
4:00 pm Resolutions Mr. Callahan, of Dallas Chapter, presiding
(Resolutions committee consists of one member from each Chapter)
5:00 p.m. Conference Rev. Fr. Pascal, O.C.D.,
of Mount Carmel Seminary, Dallas
“Mary, the Mother of Carmel"
Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament
8:00 a. m. Panel Discussion: New Orleans Chapter Tertaries
10:00 a. m. High Mass Very Rev. Fr. Evarist Foix, O.C.D., Provincial
Sermon: Rev. J. Marion Jorda, T.O.C.D., of New Orleans
12:00 noon Lunch
“Carmel's History"
1:30 p. m. Conference: Fr. Francis Bacon, O.C.D.“Carmel’s Spirit of Prayer and Penance”
3:00 p.m. panel discussion: Mr. Edward L. Wright,
of Little Rock Chapter, presiding
“History of Carmel in America”
4:00 p.m. Conference Rev. Charles S. Diamond, Spiritual Director,
Little Rock Chapter
“Effect of Carmel on the World"
Concluding address and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament
His Excellency, Most Rev. Albert L. Fletcher, Bishop of Little Rock
Panel Discussions
The Life of a Tertiary and How to Live It
Account of the four Panel Discussions held during Marylake’s Tertiary Congress, taken from Miss Audrey Meyer’s report.
DISCUSSION WAS enlivened in all the panel meetings when the president of the first panel, Mr. Oliver L. Parks, Prior of the St. Louis Chapter, set the precedent of calling on a member of each Chapter present to give an opinion on the question proposed. This first panel, held on Saturday morning, was akin to a business meeting. It was decided that all Tertiaries present would have the right to vote in these meetings. The members voted to hold congresses biennially, the next to be at Marylake in 1954. The theme will be: "Prayer in the life of a Tertiary."
"Membership and Library Problems" was the topic for the afternoon panel, with Mr. Jack Nowery of the Shreveport Chapter presiding. The discussion on membership was extremely lively and revealed that high standards are upheld by the various Chapters in securing new Tertiaries. Father Josiah Chatham, T.O.C.D., Spiritual Director of the Jackson Chapter, who showed throughout all panels an unusual grasp on Tertiary problems, was a guiding light and whenever the least confusion was evident, entered into the discussion and clarified the atmosphere. It was brought out that quality is indispensable in Discalced Carmelite Tertiaries, who embrace a life which is the closest approach to the religious state to be found outside of monasteries and which offers the Tertiary the opportunity to sanctify himself in his own state of life by means of the vows and the life of prayer. By "quality" a spiritual earnestness and ardor was implied.
Each Chapter reported methods for securing new members, already tested. In addition to the personal contact emphasized by many groups, the following methods were reported: Little Rock makes use of distribution of books, book reviews, talks on Carmel, slides and movies. At Dallas prospects are chosen from those who attend Mass daily or are engaged in Catholic Action. In Chicago a special effort is made to get the clergy into the Third Order; the fact that we are the "Order of Mary" is highlighted; and the support of the Bishop and the Catholic press is solicited. Shreveport emphasized the angle of personal example --radiation. In St. Louis it has been found that the local monastery is a focal point for enlisting new recruits especially in connection with the yearly public novena of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in July.

Bishop Fletcher wears his "cappa magna" at opening of Congress.
Fr. Chatham emphasized the need of publicity and high ideals. He exhorted us to use anything as an excuse to publicize the Third Order and to aim at front page publicity. We must give readers the comprehensive view, pointing out that our Third Order offers 1. the closest approach to the religious state to be found outside of monasteries; and 2. the opportunity to sanctify your personal state of life by means of the vows and the life of prayer. Father Chatham urged us not to encourage anyone to seek membership in Carmel who asks for dispensation from more than one major rule. This is a vocation and it is better not to grow than to play down the Carmelite spirit of penance.
Father Felix endorsed this statement adding that Carmel without penance is a fake, and that our goal should be the "Nada" of St. John of the Cross, that self must shrink to nothing. He asked all Chapters to encourage colored people to come in stating that anyone who does not welcome them should not be a Tertiary. He stated his preference for personal contact as the means of securing new members in most cases.
Two panel discussions were held on Sunday. The first one began at 9:00 a.m. on "Tertiary Problems," with Mr. Alfred Williams, Prior of the New Orleans Chapter presiding. Miss Mary Mugnier, also of New Orleans, read a stimulating paper on problems encountered by Tertiaries in performing their many duties. The discussion centered mainly around prayer and the topic was considered so important that, at the motion of Mr. Edward L. Wright, Prior of the Little Rock Chapter it was continued at the time set for the afternoon panel, over which he was to have presided.
Mr. Edward L. Wright, Prior of Little Rock Chapter, and a distinguished attorney, wears his Tertiary Scapular as he makes a point during a panel discussion.
The main problem disclosed was a shortage of time in the lives of busy Tertiaries, and the solution proposed was early rising for the recitation of the Office and for mental prayer before Mass, unless some other arrangement could be worked out. Father Felix stated that it is customary grant a partial dispensation to new novices in the recitation of the Little Office, until they become adjusted to it. It was brought out that the scapular, seven by ten inches, should be worn at all times, even during surgery if possible, and that a small scapular should be worn while bathing.

Congress participants gather on porch of Marylake after Mass for group picture, immediately after the Pontifical Mass
Tertiaries Look to the Future
Report of the Resolutions Committee of the First Congress of the Third Order of Mount Carmel in the Southwest, held at Marylake, Ark., October 10, 11 and 12.
The Resolutions Committee met in the administration Building of Marylake at 3: 30 P.M. on October 11, 1952, and all of the members of the Committee were present. The Committee discussed a number of topics for one and one-half hours, and as the result unanimously recommends the adoption of the resolutions which follow.
I. BE IT RESOLVED That our gratitude for the Congress and their participation in it be expressed to His Excellency, Most Rev. Albert L. Fletcher, Bishop of Little Rock; His Excellency, Most Rev. Richard O. Gerow, Bishop of Natchez; Very Rev. Fr. Evarist V. Foix, O.C.D., Provincial of the Discalced Carmelite Fathers of the Southwest Province; Rt. Rev. James E. O'Connell, Rector of St. John's Home Mission Seminary of Little Rock, Rev. Atbert F. Danter, T.O.C.D.; Very Rev. Fr. Elias Geiseke, O.C.D.; Rev. Fr. Pascal Pierini, O.C.D.; Rev. Fr. Francis Bacon, O.C.D.; Rev. N. Charles McGinnis, T.O.C.D.; Rev. Josiah George Chatham, T.O.C.D.; and Rev. Charles S. Diamond. The time and the occasion do not permit us to give adequate expression of thanks to each of the foregoing, but their respective contributions to the First Congress of the Third Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the Southwest Province will long remain in our memories and our prayers.
BE IT RESOLVED That the next meeting of the Tertiary Congress of the Southwest Province be held in 1954 at Marylake and that the theme thereof be "Prayer in the Life of a Tertiary."
BE IT RESOLVED That each Tertiary Chapter be encouraged to buy a minimum of one Carmelite book each month for the respective chapter libraries.
BE IT RESOLVED That a Tertiary Planning Committee for the Southwest Province be constituted. Each chapter shall select one member of the Committee and shall certify his or her name to the Provincial Director of the Third Order as soon as the selection has been made. The Planning Committee will serve as an originating and coordinating unit for the respective chapters between the meetings of the Congress, and will aid the Provincial Director in the formulation and projection of plans for future Congresses.
BE IT RESOLVED That the officers of the respective chapters be requested to urge each Tertiary to subscribe to and read carefully The Little Flower Magazine) published by the Carmelite Fathers of the Southwest Province at 1125 South Walker Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. [21]
BE IT RESOLVED That our expression of sincere appreciation be extended to our host chapter of Little Rock, and especially to the members thereof who worked faithfully and efficiently in the handling of s~cretarial, transportiltion and housing matters. All who attended the Congress enjoyed the thought and work in the planning and execution of our many requirements.
BE IT RESOLVED That our affectionate recognition be given to our beloved Provincial Director of the Third Order, Very Rev. Fr. Felix Da Prato, O.C.D., Prior of Marylake Novitiate, as the person who conceived, planned, brought into being and shepherded our first Congress. If we were to attempt to capture in written words our feelings of gratitude for his constant guidance and thought in our behalf, we would produce a document of both great length and inadequate expression. Individually and collectively, we are humbly grateful for all that he has done and is doing for us. And to his band of Carmelites at Marylake we are particularly appreciative for all they have contributed to our edification and comfort.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of the resolutions adopted at this Congress be sent to each person therein mentioned and to each Tertiary chapter.
DISCUSSION WAS enlivened in all the panel meetings when the president of the first panel, Mr. Oliver L. Parks, Prior of the St. Louis Chapter, set the precedent of calling on a member of each Chapter present to give an opinion on the question proposed. This first panel, held on Saturday morning, was akin to a business meeting. It was decided that all Tertiaries present would have the right to vote in these meetings. The members voted to hold congresses biennially, the next to be at Marylake in 1954. The theme will be: "Prayer in the life of a Tertiary."

Each Chapter reported methods for securing new members, already tested. In addition to the personal contact emphasized by many groups, the following methods were reported: Little Rock makes use of distribution of books, book reviews, talks on Carmel, slides and movies. At Dallas prospects are chosen from those who attend Mass daily or are engaged in Catholic Action. In Chicago a special effort is made to get the clergy into the Third Order; the fact that we are the "Order of Mary" is highlighted; and the support of the Bishop and the Catholic press is solicited. Shreveport emphasized the angle of personal example --radiation. In St. Louis it has been found that the local monastery is a focal point for enlisting new recruits especially in connection with the yearly public novena of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in July.

Bishop Fletcher wears his "cappa magna" at opening of Congress.
Fr. Chatham emphasized the need of publicity and high ideals. He exhorted us to use anything as an excuse to publicize the Third Order and to aim at front page publicity. We must give readers the comprehensive view, pointing out that our Third Order offers 1. the closest approach to the religious state to be found outside of monasteries; and 2. the opportunity to sanctify your personal state of life by means of the vows and the life of prayer. Father Chatham urged us not to encourage anyone to seek membership in Carmel who asks for dispensation from more than one major rule. This is a vocation and it is better not to grow than to play down the Carmelite spirit of penance.
Father Felix endorsed this statement adding that Carmel without penance is a fake, and that our goal should be the "Nada" of St. John of the Cross, that self must shrink to nothing. He asked all Chapters to encourage colored people to come in stating that anyone who does not welcome them should not be a Tertiary. He stated his preference for personal contact as the means of securing new members in most cases.
Two panel discussions were held on Sunday. The first one began at 9:00 a.m. on "Tertiary Problems," with Mr. Alfred Williams, Prior of the New Orleans Chapter presiding. Miss Mary Mugnier, also of New Orleans, read a stimulating paper on problems encountered by Tertiaries in performing their many duties. The discussion centered mainly around prayer and the topic was considered so important that, at the motion of Mr. Edward L. Wright, Prior of the Little Rock Chapter it was continued at the time set for the afternoon panel, over which he was to have presided.

The main problem disclosed was a shortage of time in the lives of busy Tertiaries, and the solution proposed was early rising for the recitation of the Office and for mental prayer before Mass, unless some other arrangement could be worked out. Father Felix stated that it is customary grant a partial dispensation to new novices in the recitation of the Little Office, until they become adjusted to it. It was brought out that the scapular, seven by ten inches, should be worn at all times, even during surgery if possible, and that a small scapular should be worn while bathing.

Congress participants gather on porch of Marylake after Mass for group picture, immediately after the Pontifical Mass
Tertiaries Look to the Future
Report of the Resolutions Committee of the First Congress of the Third Order of Mount Carmel in the Southwest, held at Marylake, Ark., October 10, 11 and 12.
The Resolutions Committee met in the administration Building of Marylake at 3: 30 P.M. on October 11, 1952, and all of the members of the Committee were present. The Committee discussed a number of topics for one and one-half hours, and as the result unanimously recommends the adoption of the resolutions which follow.
I. BE IT RESOLVED That our gratitude for the Congress and their participation in it be expressed to His Excellency, Most Rev. Albert L. Fletcher, Bishop of Little Rock; His Excellency, Most Rev. Richard O. Gerow, Bishop of Natchez; Very Rev. Fr. Evarist V. Foix, O.C.D., Provincial of the Discalced Carmelite Fathers of the Southwest Province; Rt. Rev. James E. O'Connell, Rector of St. John's Home Mission Seminary of Little Rock, Rev. Atbert F. Danter, T.O.C.D.; Very Rev. Fr. Elias Geiseke, O.C.D.; Rev. Fr. Pascal Pierini, O.C.D.; Rev. Fr. Francis Bacon, O.C.D.; Rev. N. Charles McGinnis, T.O.C.D.; Rev. Josiah George Chatham, T.O.C.D.; and Rev. Charles S. Diamond. The time and the occasion do not permit us to give adequate expression of thanks to each of the foregoing, but their respective contributions to the First Congress of the Third Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the Southwest Province will long remain in our memories and our prayers.
BE IT RESOLVED That the next meeting of the Tertiary Congress of the Southwest Province be held in 1954 at Marylake and that the theme thereof be "Prayer in the Life of a Tertiary."
BE IT RESOLVED That each Tertiary Chapter be encouraged to buy a minimum of one Carmelite book each month for the respective chapter libraries.
BE IT RESOLVED That a Tertiary Planning Committee for the Southwest Province be constituted. Each chapter shall select one member of the Committee and shall certify his or her name to the Provincial Director of the Third Order as soon as the selection has been made. The Planning Committee will serve as an originating and coordinating unit for the respective chapters between the meetings of the Congress, and will aid the Provincial Director in the formulation and projection of plans for future Congresses.
BE IT RESOLVED That the officers of the respective chapters be requested to urge each Tertiary to subscribe to and read carefully The Little Flower Magazine) published by the Carmelite Fathers of the Southwest Province at 1125 South Walker Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. [21]
BE IT RESOLVED That our expression of sincere appreciation be extended to our host chapter of Little Rock, and especially to the members thereof who worked faithfully and efficiently in the handling of s~cretarial, transportiltion and housing matters. All who attended the Congress enjoyed the thought and work in the planning and execution of our many requirements.
BE IT RESOLVED That our affectionate recognition be given to our beloved Provincial Director of the Third Order, Very Rev. Fr. Felix Da Prato, O.C.D., Prior of Marylake Novitiate, as the person who conceived, planned, brought into being and shepherded our first Congress. If we were to attempt to capture in written words our feelings of gratitude for his constant guidance and thought in our behalf, we would produce a document of both great length and inadequate expression. Individually and collectively, we are humbly grateful for all that he has done and is doing for us. And to his band of Carmelites at Marylake we are particularly appreciative for all they have contributed to our edification and comfort.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of the resolutions adopted at this Congress be sent to each person therein mentioned and to each Tertiary chapter.
Miss. Virginia Dellitt (Dallas)
Chairman, Resolutions Committee
Rev. Josiah George Chatham (Jackson)
Mrs. Rosemary Smith (Little Rock)
Mrs. Charlotte Wiest (Oklahoma City)
Hubert Mayeux (Shreveport)
Miss Dorothy Walker (New Orleans)
Leo P. Champagne (Lafayette)
John F. Klohr (St. Louis)
Dr. H. R. Casolary (Chicago)
Miss Carmen Chalkley (San Antonio)
Mrs. Mamie Hall (Dallas)
Members, Resolutions Committee
These resolutions were adopted at a meeting held Sunday, October 12, 1952, in the Administration Building at Marylake.

Tertiaries of Carmel in the Southwest
First Congress of the Third Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the Southwest, Marylake, Arkansas, October 1952.
Most Rev. Albert L. Fletcher, D.D., Bishop of Little Rock, sings solemn Pontifical Mass Saturday in Marylake's chapel. Carmelite religious form the choir behind the altar.
Most Rev. Albert L. Fletcher, D.D., Bishop of Little Rock, sings solemn Pontifical Mass Saturday in Marylake's chapel. Carmelite religious form the choir behind the altar.
How fun to read about the first congress....and to see how very much things have changed over the years.
How interesting to read of this Carmelite Congress. I found this article looking for
information on my godfather, Rev.Fr.Felix daPrato. He converted and baptized my
mother, Betty Lou Waterson in OK City at Little Flower Church and married my parents
(dad:Mervin Lawrence Blanchard Sr who was a US Marine serving in OK City at the time).
I was baptized in San Diego and Fr. Felix and I corresponded over the years.
The last time I saw him was in Lafayette LA when I was in college in mid 1960's.
I have fond memories of our few visits, and I continue to remember his soul in my
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