Introducing Father Bonaventure, new Provincial Delegate
--by Father Bonaventure Sauer, O.C.D.
I was born on Dec. 12, 1953, and grew up in Decatur, Ill., the second of five brothers and sisters.
[Family photo with Dad and Mom in 1965 on left; High School photo on right] After graduating from the U. of Illinois with a degree in English Lit, I moved to Denver. While there, and after a few years on my own, I decided to continue with my education and got a Masters of Theology in Scripture from the Iliff School of Theology in Denver (a seminary and graduate school attached to the U. of Denver). Scripture seemed a good meeting point between literature and theology.
My plan at the time was to pursue an academic career in service of the church. [In his early college years at right]
During the course of my studies, though, I began to think seriously —having toyed with the idea earlier— of a vocation to religious life. I felt inclined towards the mendicant orders, more so than to the monastic orders or to any one of the many missionary or apostolic congregations. Being an admirer of St. John of the Cross, I looked into the Discalced Carmelites and felt an immediate draw.
At this time [in 1984], Colorado was geographically part of the Oklahoma Province. So, when I did apply and was accepted, it was to this province, in the Southwest, despite the fact that I'm a Midwesterner, and always will be.
I entered the postulancy, then, in January 1985, and made first profession in July 1986. I completed my studies for ordination in San Antonio at the Oblate School of Theology and made final profession in August 1991. After that I was sent to complete the yearlong program of study in Carmelite spirituality at the Sanjuanist-Teresian Center in Avila, Spain, being ordained after my return, in December 1992.
Since completing formation [photo as a novice] I have lived in New Orleans, Oklahoma City, Marylake —our monastery outside Little Rock— and San Antonio. I'm one of the friars of the province who have moved around a lot. Also, I've held a number of different assignments —student director, faculty member at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, vicar to the Carmelite nuns of the province, Provincial, superior at Marylake, parochial vicar in San Antonio, editor of the Apostolate magazine. With only the last of these assignments, editor of the Apostolate magazine, have I been allowed to continue beyond three years. Having served as editor this past triennium, from 2005 to 2008, I have been asked to continue in that capacity this coming triennium.
While I have worked with the Secular Order before, it has been only in a limited way. Taking on the position of delegate to the Secular Order of our province sets out before me a pretty steep learning curve, especially over this first year or so, as I find my way into the work. You see, I don't really know what I' m doing. But it is an exciting time to be involved with the Secular Order since, in a manner of speaking, the vocation has come into its own within the order as perhaps never before. Thus, I am looking forward to this new assignment.
You have in place your own structures of governance, administration, formation, community, and accountability within and to the order. I would see my role mostly in terms of ministry, then. What are your needs in seeking to live out your vocation ever more richly and fully? That is the question I'll constantly be asking. And how can I, working with the friars, your own provincial council, and your various communities with their own resources, best respond to meet those needs? That, of course, is the next question.
It will be challenging, I'm sure. But as I said, I'm looking forward to it, as also to getting to know you better, and to doing what I can to help all of you feel that the order is giving you what you need to be faithful to your vocation. Pray for me, as I do for you.
Father Bonaventure
In need of car
Father Bonaventure needs a car for his duties as O.C.D.S. Provincial Delegate. If you know of anyone who might be willing to donate a reliable used car that gets decent gas mileage, please contact Father Gregory at
Labels: PD report, summer 08
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