Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, Prefect of the
Vatican's Congregation for the Cause of the Saints, has announced that the
parents of St. Therese of Lisieux, Louis Martin and Azelia Guérin may be beatified this year.
Their cause was submitted to the Holy See andf their heroic virtues were proclaimed on 26-Mar-94.
Cardinal Saraiva implied that the miracle needed to proclaim them blessed has been approved by his congregation and will be announced at the next Consistory.
We look forward to our first meeting of the new provincial council on May 30 in
San Antonio. 

Joining our two left-overs, Elizabeth Korves and Nancy Thompson, are [from left to right] : Henrietta Albright from Baton Rouge, Dorothy Mansen from our Dallas community, and Gloria Guajardo from San Antonio.
Daniel DiNardo, our first Southern Cardinal, returned to Sioux City last month, to tell his former priests there, “This is where I learned to be a bishop.” DiNardo will speak at our OCDS Congress in Houston in September. We await the pope’s visit to the U.S.A. and look forward to what he will say to us in April. For those attuned to reading blogs on the internet, you may go to for some fine pictures of the papal visit to Washington DC and New York.
On April 2nd I appointed Jan Nerone [left] president of our Lawrenceville Study Group. Jan has served as councillor since March 2004. Lucia Gesuelle & Patty Palmquist were appointed Councillors; Lucia has served in this office as long as Jan. Patty has served as secretary since June 2006. These appointments were made after their Visitator allowed them to hold a “provinsional election.” Results of that straw vote were given to the Visitator, who made her recommendations to the Provincial Council. Once the provincial council approved, the appointments were made. Special gratitude to Anita DeRouen who has so capably served this Group as president since Stephen Ramsay moved in May 2006.

On January 26, I appointed Lenora Everett councillor in Savannah to replace Moscelyne Maggione who recently resigned. Moscelyne [right] has served on the council since the group rturned to Savannah from Hilton Head. She has been a gracious hostess and valued member.

On April 2nd , I appointed Fr. Christian A. Alimaji, MSP Assistant to Savannah. Fr. Desmond Ohankwere, MSP [left] was elected Regional Superior of the Missionary Society of St. Paul and will be moving to Houston. Fr. Desmond has served as Assistant since July 2005. We wish him well in his new assignment and welcome Fr. Christian who is the new pastor of St. Benedict Church where Fr. Desmond has been.

Gerald Alford made visitation of Baton Rouge on Sund., 09-Feb-08. standing: Gerald Alford (visitator), Paul Sandau (pres), Henrietta Albright (coun), Frances Locker (Form), Clarence Landry (sec’ty); seated: Councillors Barbara Kahn and Ethlyn White
On 12-Mar-08, I appointed Fr. Kingsley Nonis Assistant to our Teresa de los Andes Study Group in DeRidder. Former Assistant Daniel Torres, pastor of St Joseph church in DeRidder has served our Carmelites for the past year. "Father Danny” was moved to St. Henry's Church in Lake Charles. Fr. Nonis, the new pastor of St Joseph, is from Srilanka. He was a brother Marist before he became a priest, so he is familiar with religious orders.
On Easter Wednesday 26-Mar-08, our Provincial council restored to our Jackson community all their canonical privileges. They may now hold their first elections since the appointment of officers years ago and regain their full five member council. This group has shown great maturity in their discernment process, and has attracted many new vocations to our order in the state of Mississippi.
At their April meeting, our St. Louis community elected Sharon Schulte [right] president, replacing Rita Tueth who, many of you met at our National Congress. Rita has served as president last triennium. Sharon served as Director of Formation from 1999-2005.
David Travers, Anne Beach, and Kathleen Moss were elected councillors. Patricia Daniels was elected formation director by the new council.
On January 19, 2008, the Oklahoma City community’s retreat was presented by Fr. Thomas Dubay SM, who also served as celebrant at the Mass that day. Theresa Husmann, Elizabeth Petersen, Monique Tannen and Dee Schneider were clothed with the OCDS scapular. William Urell, Faye Norton, Betty Sharp, Zofia Schmit, and Avril D'Cruz made their First Promise and Barbara Tinervia made her Definitive Promise. Deacon Jim Breazile OCDS, President of the community administered the rituals for these actions.

[Left to right:] Barbara Tinervia, William Urell, Faye Norton, Betty Sharp, Zofia Schmit & Avril D’Cruz. The community at their March meeting elected Susan Staudt president. Corliss Elsworth, Marie Lopez & Katherine Payne were elected Councillors, and the new council elected Patti Robinson Director of Formation. Congratulations to all.

On Jan 20th, I received the profession of Father Bart Tolleson [photo left] during the celebration of his first Mass in Dallas. Bart was ordained in Helena Montana, but completed his formation for First Promise with our Dallas community. I received special permission from Fr. Partrick Segrue OCD, provincial delgate to OCDS of our California\Arizone province to profess Father Bart.
Shirley Moresi was been a member of our Dallas community for over forty years. Shirley was professed on 05-Dec-65, and died on 20-Jan-08. Shirley lost her husband about 8 years ago and is survived by her son David and two daughters.
On Jan 24th I appointed Fr. George Gonzalez OCDS Spiritual Assistant to our newly erected Miriam of Jesus Crucified Community in McAllen. Monsignor Louis Brum has been serving this Study Group for the last six months. We are most grateful to him for his kind attention to our order. Father George’s appointment is for one year. As I will resign as your provincial delegate at our provincial chapter in May, no long term appointments will be made during these last months.
Two of our Houston members are approaching their golden jubilee. Rebecca Segura, the infirmarian of our original Houston community, has submitted the following article on them. Congratulations Gladys and Gene for your perseverance in our vocation.
Your Provincial Delegate,
Fr. John Michael Payne OCD
Infirmarian's report We wish to recognize the following two members for their faithful service to community. Gladys Snoga who has been in our community since her profession in 1959 and to Eugene Janquart who has been with us since his clothing in 1959 and profession in 1960.
In 1959, a group of 10 individuals under the guidance of Fr. Felix DePrado came together at St. Christopher to form a Secular Carmelite community. Four years later, the community of The Holy Trinity and St. Joseph was canonically erected by Fr. Pascal Pierini OCD who died 27-Apr-07 in San Jose CA.
Today, of the founding members that originally formed this group, we have two who are still active members in an advisory capacity. They are Gladys Snoga and Eugene Janquart. These two were looking for a life of contemplation by following the way of perfection through Carmel. At that time you both, Gladys and Eugene, answered the call of service to the community and to one another.
Thank you, Gladys, for your 49 years of service to our community, from Director of Formation (Novice Master in those days) to Treasurer, in the beginning years. Thank you accepting the position of Librarian, Infirmarian, Councilor, and being in charge of the seminarian fund for the community in your later years.

Gladys was in a Carmelite convent for two years (1955-56), then left to pursue a secular vocation in Carmel. She was clothed in the Discalced Carmelite nuns’ novice habit in Dallas in 1954. She made her profession as a Carmelite Secular on August 19, 1959 in our Houston community. The knowledge and training she acquired during her years in the convent helped to expand the office of Director of Formation during our community’s beginning years. Gladys is a retired nurse.
In Gladys we see the strength of Carmel at work in how she was able to take on any task given to you. In you Gladys, we see the example of the worker of the community. As always, you did an excellent job through your determination and drive to do a job well. It is this gift that helps you, even now, during your retirement years. We see how age may have slowed you down but it does not knock you out. It is the strength of Carmel that helps you to move forward to your new adventure by giving you a way of life. A motto for you - Make Life an Adventure.
Thank you, Eugene, for your 48 years of service to our community. You answered the call of service, be it President, Formation Director, Councilor, and advisor not just once or twice but several times. Your advice, reflections, and communications have been a great service and a building block to this community. Your willingness to share your experiences on the road to perfection has been the life and breath of this community. You are its heart.

Eugene is as sharp as ever. There definitely is no grass growing on his feet. He knew [when I came to take his picture] that something was afoot. He asked if the photograph was for the Houston Chronicle. I promised him that it was not, but did not tell him it was for the Flos Carmeli.
It is through you both, through your service to our community, that we have grown from a seedling of ten members in 1959 to the group we have today: 23 active members in different stages in Carmel. You two are our treasure.
This year, Gladys celebrated her 80th birthday and has recently moved to a retirement facility in San Antonio in order to be close to her family. Come this June, Eugene will be celebrating his 86th birthday.
Though age with its complications have slowed both of our seniors down a bit, they continue to be with us in community, if not physically, then spiritually. We have been so blessed and thankful to have them with us.
Rebecca Segura, Houston infirmarian
Labels: PD report, spring 08
Hello, I am an amateur genealogist working on the Janquart Family Tree and would like to find out how Eugene Janquart fits into the tree?
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