April 2008
As we write this, Easter is just around the corner so we wish everyone in the province a wonderful Easter season. Alleluia! Jesus is Risen!
Communities around the province are holding elections and we pray that those go well. Several of our study groups have requested and been granted permission to hold provisional elections. These are considered provisional because according to the Statutes, the councils of study groups are appointed by the Provincial Delegate. So when one of our study groups holds elections, the ballots are sent to the visitator for counting and then Fr John Michael appoints the council based on the results. We see the ability to hold elections in our study groups as one sign of their growth and movement in the direction of eventual canonical status.
This year, we circle back around and find ourselves making visitations of communities visited three years ago. It is our aim to visit every community at least once every three years. Our study groups are usually visited more often as we work closely with them to develop as a community. Elizabeth visited one of our oldest communities, the Houston – Holy Trinity community at the end of January. Gerald visited Baton Rouge in February where we hope Henrietta Albright, one of our new Provincial Councilors, paid close attention to the process for when she starts making visitations. Pascal visited Jackson at the beginning of March. Part of that visit included some discernment on the part of the community as to whether it was ready to have its canonical privileges reinstated. This has now been approved by the Provincial Council so congratulations to Jackson!
FINALLY, we managed to get Gerald to Topeka for a visitation. We were beginning to think it would take a miracle of God. But then as punishment, upon his return, he was picked for jury duty for a murder trial.
The Houston folks are working hard getting ready for our Congress in September. Remember to sign up and join us!
These next few months will see us turning our attention to handing things off to the new Provincial Council members at the beginning of June. Amelia and Pascal will be handing on our records of the isolates in our province. Nancy and Elizabeth are working putting together materials for a full day of orientation with the new councilors. We hope to be able to have our new Provincial Delegate also join us for that orientation. Elizabeth will be meeting with Father Provincial, Gregory Ross in late April to pass along recommendations from the Provincial Council regarding who should be appointed as our new Provincial Delegate.
Finally, we ask that you do hold all our communities and our friars and nuns in prayer as everyone holds elections this spring. The friars will be holding their Provincial Chapter in San Antonio on May 26-June 6. The OCDS Provincial Council with its new members will have their annual meeting over the weekend of May 31 and meet with the chapter friars on Tuesday, June 3rd.
Provincial Council:
Pascal Alfano, Gerald Alford, Elizabeth Korves, Nancy Thompson, and Amelia Wilken
What should be included in community meeting minutes?
• Date, time meeting convened, place of the meeting
• List of who was in attendance and who was absent
• Brief description (short paragraph) of any talk given
as well as the name of who gave the talk
• Short summary of business part of the meeting
o Any announcements made
o Treasurer's Report
• Current account balance
• Any major financial actions taken in the last month (payments over $50)
o Approval of minutes from last meeting
o Infirmarian's report
o Other reports - i.e. liturgist, librarian, hospitality
• Any assignments for next month, i.e., readings for each formation level, readings for community reading
• Time meeting adjourned
What should be included in the minutes of Council meetings?
• Date, time meeting convened, place of the meeting
• List of who was in attendance and who was absent
• Brief summary of business discussed
• Record of any votes taken - if vote was not unanimous, then there should be some short report of what concerns were raised
• Time meeting ended
It is important to remember that Council meetings often deal with confidential matters, so the minutes need to remain confidential. However, it is also good if the council (through the secretary) provides a brief summary of any non-confidential business to the community. This could be done in the form of the minutes with the confidential parts removed or as a summary report at the next community meeting following the council meeting. Council records are maintained by the secretary.
Labels: PC report, spring 08
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