
Provincial delegate's report

Introducing Father Bonaventure, new Provincial Delegate

--by Father Bonaventure Sauer, O.C.D.

I was born on Dec. 12, 1953, and grew up in Decatur, Ill., the second of five brothers and sisters. [Family photo with Dad and Mom in 1965 on left; High School photo on right] After graduating from the U. of Illinois with a degree in English Lit, I moved to Denver. While there, and after a few years on my own, I decided to continue with my education and got a Masters of Theology in Scripture from the Iliff School of Theology in Denver (a seminary and graduate school attached to the U. of Denver). Scripture seemed a good meeting point between literature and theology. My plan at the time was to pursue an academic career in service of the church. [In his early college years at right]

During the course of my studies, though, I began to think seriously —having toyed with the idea earlier— of a vocation to religious life. I felt inclined towards the mendicant orders, more so than to the monastic orders or to any one of the many missionary or apostolic congregations. Being an admirer of St. John of the Cross, I looked into the Discalced Carmelites and felt an immediate draw. At this time [in 1984], Colorado was geographically part of the Oklahoma Province. So, when I did apply and was accepted, it was to this province, in the Southwest, despite the fact that I'm a Midwesterner, and always will be.

I entered the postulancy, then, in January 1985, and made first profession in July 1986. I completed my studies for ordination in San Antonio at the Oblate School of Theology and made final profession in August 1991. After that I was sent to complete the yearlong program of study in Carmelite spirituality at the Sanjuanist-Teresian Center in Avila, Spain, being ordained after my return, in December 1992.

Since completing formation [photo as a novice] I have lived in New Orleans, Oklahoma City, Marylake —our monastery outside Little Rock— and San Antonio. I'm one of the friars of the province who have moved around a lot. Also, I've held a number of different assignments —student director, faculty member at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, vicar to the Carmelite nuns of the province, Provincial, superior at Marylake, parochial vicar in San Antonio, editor of the Apostolate magazine. With only the last of these assignments, editor of the Apostolate magazine, have I been allowed to continue beyond three years. Having served as editor this past triennium, from 2005 to 2008, I have been asked to continue in that capacity this coming triennium.

While I have worked with the Secular Order before, it has been only in a limited way. Taking on the position of delegate to the Secular Order of our province sets out before me a pretty steep learning curve, especially over this first year or so, as I find my way into the work. You see, I don't really know what I' m doing. But it is an exciting time to be involved with the Secular Order since, in a manner of speaking, the vocation has come into its own within the order as perhaps never before. Thus, I am looking forward to this new assignment.

You have in place your own structures of governance, administration, formation, community, and accountability within and to the order. I would see my role mostly in terms of ministry, then. What are your needs in seeking to live out your vocation ever more richly and fully? That is the question I'll constantly be asking. And how can I, working with the friars, your own provincial council, and your various communities with their own resources, best respond to meet those needs? That, of course, is the next question.

It will be challenging, I'm sure. But as I said, I'm looking forward to it, as also to getting to know you better, and to doing what I can to help all of you feel that the order is giving you what you need to be faithful to your vocation. Pray for me, as I do for you.

Father Bonaventure

In need of car

Father Bonaventure needs a car for his duties as O.C.D.S. Provincial Delegate. If you know of anyone who might be willing to donate a reliable used car that gets decent gas mileage, please contact Father Gregory at

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Secretary's letter

Letter from Pat Darby
Provincial Secretary for the Central Jurisdiction
2008-2011 Term

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our new councils are in place, and in this edition there is the OCDS Provincial Directory to help acquaint you with all of them.

Included in the Directory, are the new members of the Provincial Council, those returning, as well as our newly re-elected, President, Elizabeth Korves.

Also, we welcome our new Provincial Delegate Fr. Bonaventure Sauer, OCD, who comes to his new responsibility with new ideas and a fresh beginning.

Let us ask God to send the Holy Spirit into our Province and bless this term of 2008-2011 with new vocations, especially to the First Order, and harmony and gratitude that we have all been blessed with this holy vocation to Carmelite spirituality.

We ask this through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, Patroness of our Order.

I thank those communities who promptly sent in their information on their new councils, their annual dues, and included their rosters.

There are still some subscribers who have not as yet sent in their annual fees, so with the newsletter, we will include a friendly "Did you forget?"

I understand some members have been unable to reach me through my AOL email
address, so I am including another address that you may use, if you have trouble with
AOL. Someday I'm going to leave those people!!

My Regular Email Address is: and the alternate is:

also, please feel free to call me @ 214-495-0597
Address: 315 N. Greenville Ave., #1214 Allen, TX 75002-9146


Carmelite Seculars - Bringing Light to the World
September 11 through September 14, 2008
Houston, TX

For Information and Questions

Here is something I found in an old journal of mine. Sorry to say, that I do not know the source, but it speaks to us of our vocation:

"Contemplation is God's supreme gift, which enables the soul to love Him beyond all words and all thoughts, beyond all specific acts, interior or exterior. It is just remaining loving God, and all creation in Him with the very love of God Himself... The more faithful a person is to his call to this contemplative charism, the greater and deeper will be his/her actual service to the people of God. "

May our good God help us all remain faithful to this great gift.

Your sister in Carmel,

Pat Darby ocds, Provincial Secretary

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JM report

My dear Camelites, This will be my last delegate report for the Flos, as Fr. Provincial accepted my resignation at our provincial chapter and named Fr. Bonaventure his new Provincial Delgate to the Secular order in our province. I will deliver my “swan song” as the keynote speech of our Housrton congress in September. In the meantime, I leave you with my blogs: This OCDS View blog which includes the Flos Carmeli color photos, Our Friars’ newsletter which includes the last provincial chapter , and the Monastery of Marylake blog at It has been my pleasure serving you these last thirty minus three years. I was appointed Provincial Delegate in 1978 by Fr. Raymond Donoho to replace Fr. Sam Anthony Morello who had been PD since 1969. The first OCDS Congress I attended was in New Orleans’ Loyola in August 1969. I still remember the lions roaring at night as a circus was being lodged next door. The first congress I organized was in Davenport Iowa in 1979, where I began a series of conferences on the beatitudes.

My first appointment to the national board was Mrs. Azile Wrape OCDS. [She is shown here at the San Francisco Congress of 1980 with (left to right) Maria Orallo and Ruby Alexander.] Alize was followed by Mrs. Frances Burns of Albuquerque in 1982, Gerald Alford in 1986, Dolores Jost in 1987, and Jayne Myrick [below, with me & Jerome] in 1989. Needing a break, I asked Fr. Palmer Maxwell to take over as PD during the 1990-93 triennium which he did when appointed by Fr. Aloysius. Palmer made some very difficult groundbreaking decisions about reducing the status of some communities who needed time to reorganize. He opened the way for the revitalization of the Secular groups of our province, but the process wore him out. In 1993, Fr. Bonaventure appointed Fr. Sam and I his co-delegates to the OCDS with a clarion call for collaborative leadership. We were joined by Fr. Jerome Earley in 1996, forming the “holy Trinity” of Provincial delegates! It would not be until the next century that another US Province (Washington) would have three PDs for the OCDS.

In the year 2000 I had the privilege of attending the second international OCDS congress in Mexico with Nancy Thompson and Mati Martinez. It was a wonderful privilege, but I really went as the default delegate since neither Sam nor Jerome wanted to go. I have had the privilege of working with great men and women in these last 27 years: Bonaventure Galvin, a truly legendary PD of California [shown here with Bill Healy and national secretary Penny Brown at our 2nd National; congress in Milwaukee], Bill Healy and Ruby Alexander of Washington, Sam Anthony Morello of our own province and Michael Buckley of California [shown here at the Vegas Congress of 2004] to only name a few. Each in his or her own way helped make Carmel in America what it is today.

It has been not only an historic journey, but a wonderful and rewarding personal journey. Thanks to all of you for the ride… and for another thing Carmel always seems to have in abundance: the drama! It has been exasperating, exhausting, and frustrating. It has been happy and sad but always filled with grace, even when that grace came unnoticed until years after it was given. In a word, it has been wonderful. Thank you. Gracias. No es de nada, porque siempre hay algo.

Your former delegate,

Fr. John Michael Payne OCD


On Saturday 12-Apr-08, Retreat Master Fr. Russel Raj OCD accepted the 1st Promise of Robbie Hayes from our Madison Study Group at the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word’s Casa Maria Retreat Center in Irondale. Robbie was clothed in the large scapular on 10-Apr-05. Father Raj, from India, gave his retreat conferences on Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity. He had completed his master’s thesis on her in 2006.

On 16-Apr-08 I appointed Major Rajmund Kopec, assistant to our Tennessee Valley Study Group that meets in Huntsville AL. Father Ray is with the 96th Aviation Support Battalion, 101st Combat Brigade at Redstone Arsenal. 22-year-old Ray left his native Poland while it was still under Communist rule to become a priest in the U.S.A. When he arrived in New Jersey from Poland he had $10 in his pocket and knew not a word of English.


At their April meeting our Little Rock community elected secretary Tricia Cromwell [left] to be their president, Tricia and the new Councillors -- Nancy Lowry, Joanie Goodwin & Jeannine Hart, then met and with the consultation of their Assistant Fr. Raphael Kitz, elected former president Ronnie Adams [right] as the new Director of Formation. Mary Howard was then appointed secretary.


On 02-Apr-08, I appointed Jan Nerone president, and Lucia Gesuelle & Patty Palmquist Councillors to our Lawrenceville Study Group. This photo of the new council left to right: Patty, Maryann, Jan & Lucia. On 09-Apr-08, I appointed Mary Ann Leveque director of formation to succeed Mary Shusta who founded this group in Sept. 2002. Thanks to Anita DeRouen, who began as secretary, and was appointed president in May 2006 when Stephen Ramsay moved.

On 29-Apr-08, I appointed John Eanes [right] president, with Mary Agnes Larson and Carol Lloyd as councillors for our Atlanta Study Group. This was done after receiving the postulation ballots from our professed members in Atlanta, and the recommendation of the Visitator. John and Carol have served as councillors since this group was formed. Thanks to Karen Harris who has done a fine job as president of this Group since my first visitation. Karen is now moving up to be secretary of our Provincial council.


On 13-Apr-08, our Baton Rouge community elected Clarence Landry president, with Ethlyn White, Marie Tuminski and Carmelite Provine councillors. The new council chose Jo Ann Daigle to be the new Director of Formation. Congratulations to all the newly elected, and big thanks to former president Paul Sandau, Formation Director Frances Locker, and councillors Henrietta Albright, Carolyn Dupuy, and Barbara Kahn. Frances is a legend in her time, having put together the first complete formation syllabus in the province. A tough act to follow, Jo Ann. Henrietta, now moves up to our provincial council after holding office including the presidency for many years in Baton Rouge.

Our Alexandria council requested permission from the provincial council to profess novice Denise Gauthier, who has been dying of cancer since entering our order. They had received word from Shreveport where Denise lives with Virignia Lazarus, that they would be able to attend the community meeting on the first Saturday of May, but that this would probably be the last meeting Denise would be able to attend. Permission was granted, and Denise was professed on 3-May-08. Denise took a turn for the worst two days later, and died peacefully on Sunday, 25-May-08. “We have been blessed to have her as a part of our Community.”


Our Gulf Coast community postulated in April, David Courtenay president; Beverly Courtenay Formation Director; with Councillors Corinne Bontemps, Carlotta Bergeron & Bert Young. Councillor Nancy Murphy drowned in Hurricane Katrina, and Bert was elected to replace her. This postulation was held in accordance with Provincial Statute III.2.d concerning term limits. When members cannot be elected to office, they may be postulated to the Provincial Council.


On 04-Apr-08 I appointed Barbara Tinervia [left] president of our new group in Tulsa, and Susie Spanier as Director of Formation. On 29-Apr-08 I appointed Deacon James Breazile their Spiritual Assistant. James is the retiring president of our Oklahoma City community. As announced previously, Susan Staudt [right] was elected president of our Oklahoma City community who meets at our nuns in Piedmont.


On 19-Apr-08, I appointed former president Mark Calvert as new Director of formation in Knoxville. Mark replaces Jan Hicks who will remain on the council as she retires from the office of Director of Formation. Work is progressing on the canonical establishment of this Study Group. The diocese of Knoxville is presently without a bishop, whose signature is needed on the document to be submitted to Rome for canonical status. Our Knoxville members are also discerning a new patronal title for their new community, as they have been calling themselves the Study Group of the Holy Spirit, a patronal title taken years ago by the Mobile community.

front row l-r: Anita Gouge, Jeanne Dauenhauer, Kathy DeWine, Dorothy Curtis, Ghislaine Miller, Carole Amador, and Doris Bucklaew. 2nd row: Missy DePersio, Colleen Harbison, Jan Hicks, Brenda Nicholson, Christine Hendershott (college daughter of Susan, she played piano for liturgies), Jackie Lonnecker and Jennifer Korell. Back row: Susan Hendershott, Jack Spicer, George Quinter, Fr. Bonaventure (retreat master), Mark Calvert & Dot Terheyden. This retreat was held at Living Waters Catholic Reflection Center in Maggie Valley NC from the 4-6th of April.


At their April meeting, our Dallas community held their elections. Pictured here is the new council: L-R: Katie Bready, Formation, Jenny Aubert, President, Rita Ladd, 2nd Councillor, Judy Treadway, 3rd Councillor, and Diane Zeminick, First Councillor.

After consulting the Provincial Visitator, on 09-Apr-08, I appointed Maria Delores Reyna [left] president; Maria Guadalupe Cruz [right], Formation Director; and Rita Crelia, councillor for Lubbock. Rita has been this group’s secretary. These appointments were made after receiving results of their straw vote (provisional election) allowed by Visitator, Elizabeth Korves. Our gratitude is extended to Florence Rivas who has served as president since her appointment by Fr. Sam Anthony Morello on 11-Nov-98, and to Frank Schmidt who has served as Formation Director since Judy Johnson resigned in March 2003. Further gratitude to Mary Alvarez who has been serving as councillor and e-mail contact for our Lubbock Study Group.

Our Georgetown Study Group hosted a silent retreat at Cedarbreak in Belton on the 2nd weekend of April. Father Bonaventure Sauer, Assistant to Austin, was the retreat master. The community is shown here in the main lodge where Father gave his conferences. Left to right (front row): Matilde Martinez (Killeen) Lansing Prescott, Father Bonaventure, Dora Zavala, Cindy Johnson, Julia (Killeen); 2nd row: Birdie Ehrenfeld, Lois Vasquez, Mary Miranda, Becky Snook, Tommie Solis, Ramona Zelasko, Claire Bloodgood; 3rd Row: Marianne Gonzales, Maron Burke (white hair), Diane Gray, Lydia Watson, Vic Sulsona, Lois Malidor & Steve Harden.

Houston’s original OCDS community at their March meeting elected the follolwing: Rebecca Segura, former infirmarian as president. Margaret Dybala formation director, with Councillors Sherry Maniscalco, Jackie Sanders and Terry Sa Yun. Congratulations. Also our gratitude to former president Becky McGinnis, former Formaion Director Carmelita Dizon, and former councillors Alethea Paras & Jeannice Theriot, all of whom have served two consecutive terms in their offices. Jeannice is working on preparations for our September Congress.

Our San Antonio community held elections in April. Councillor Betty Keller [photo] was elected president. Betty was professed in Amarillo on 10-Mar-83, and made her Definitive promise in 1986. She moved to San Antonio in 2005, and was elected councillor almost immediately upon her arrival. Susan King was re-elected formation director. Former Councillor Rosalia Zepeda was elected councillor, and two new councillors were elected: Nan Lambert Starjak and Anna Peterson.

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Mario Henriquez, who died on March 29th, entered our order in New Orleans. When he retired, he transferred to our San Antonio community. There he was elected Councillor when he was in his 80s. He served that community during a turbulent time in its history, and called for collaborative leadership. “We have to work as a five-some,” he said at one of their council meetings during that time. The council had a history of working as a one-some under the leadership of the president who referred to the council as “my council.” Mario helped lead them to a new model of leadership.

Provincial delegate, Fr. John Michael, wrote to the community when he heard of Mario’s passing, “I always considered Mario a man of prudence and discretion, and was so happy to have him on the council during a very difficult triennium for your community when the president, formation director and a councillor all resigned.” He was a model of perseverance who helped steer the boat when the storm winds shook.

Mario was born 02-July-22. He served in the U.S. navy in the Pacific theater during World War II. He was professed a Carmelite in New Orleans on 25-May-97, and made his Definitive Promise in June 2000. In 2003, when the President, Formartion Director and a councillor resigned in San Antonio, Mario was elected Councillor there. He served as Councillor until the election of 2005 when stability was restored. At that time he was having trouble thinking due to his age and medications, but continued to be a wonderful example to his community until his death. May he rest in peace.

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PC Report

Provincial Council welcomes new members, attends Chapter

--by the Provincial Council

We bid farewell with a great deal of gratitude to Pascal Alfano, Gerald Alford, and Amelia Wilken as they have now concluded their term of service on the Provincial Council. They will be remembered for their valued contribution to getting the Provincial Council started, writing the Provincial Statutes, and great love they have shown to Carmel and to the members of our province. We wish each of them well as they get to relax, enjoy retirement, spend time in the garden, catch up on reading, etc. We also extend our thanks to Anita Mendoza who has been serving as our secretary and also as our liaison to the Spanish-speaking members of our province.

Amelia made one last visitation to our study group in Covington where she began a discernment with them regarding whether they were ready for holding provisional elections. Elizabeth returned to Atlanta to visit both the Atlanta study group and the one in the suburb of Lawrenceville. While Elizabeth was in Atlanta, Nancy arrived to make the visitation of our Georgetown study group, followed by the visitation of Austin.

At the beginning of April, Henrietta Albright, Gloria Guajardo, and Dorothy Mansen signed on to the Provincial Council's private Yahoo Web site to "listen in" on how the PC conducts is business online. Then we all gathered in Castroville, Texas (just west of San Antonio) at the end of May for our first meeting as the new Provincial Council. Joining us was Karen Harris, [right] our new secretary from Atlanta.

On Friday evening, we drove into town to pick up Father John Michael and our new Provincial Delegate, Father Bonaventure Sauer, for dinner. Father John Michael returned with us to Castroville to help with the orientation of our new council members. [Gloria, Karen & Henrietta at orientation] Saturday was a full day, covering a great many topics about which our new Provincial Council members needed to learn.

On Sunday, we began the day very early with Mass at the San Antonio monastery of our nuns and then had a wonderful visit with Sister Rosemarie. After breakfast, we returned Father John Michael to the basilica and then headed downtown for some sight-seeing along the River Walk, the Alamo and the Cathedral of San Fernando. Finally, the heat got to us and we headed back to the cool of the retreat center in Castroville. We returned to work that evening and the new Provincial Council re-elected Elizabeth as president for the next three years.

On Monday, Father Bonaventure was able to join us as Elizabeth and Nancy gave a brief summary of every community and study group in the province.

Tuesday was our big day with the friars at their chapter. Father Provincial Gregory Ross gave a brief summary of the topics that the friars had been discussing and introduced everyone. Elizabeth then gave a report on the work of the Provincial Council over the past three years and the general state of seculars throughout the province. She then invited the outgoing superiors at each of the foundations of friars to share how the friars and seculars are collaborating in each place. At some foundations, there is a great deal of collaboration between the friars and the seculars; at others, there is minimal contact between the two. There was also discussion on how the seculars could assist the friars with vocations outreach. Father Luís Castañeda is developing a vocations plan for the friars and we encouraged him to include seculars as part of that plan.

After a very nice lunch with the friars, we gathered in a small room at the monastery to continue working through the afternoon while our friars took their siesta and then continued their chapter business. As we prepared to go over to the basilica for Mass, an ongoing health issue for Gloria became such that we contacted her husband to take her to the emergency room. About the same time, Father John Magdalene was also being taken to emergency. Both were home later that day and neither situation was as serious as originally feared, for which everyone is grateful. Since Father Provincial needed to tend to Father John Magdalene at the hospital, he was unable to join us for dinner after Mass as originally planned, although Father Bonaventure was able to come.

On Wednesday, we were all a bit too tired for more work so after some sharing of what Carmel means to us, we packed up, cleaned up our house at the retreat center, and headed for home. Henrietta, Gloria and Dorothy were feeling a bit overwhelmed with the amount of information covered for their orientation but we welcome them aboard as they begin their terms on the Provincial Council.

Among the items that did get addressed during our meeting was working out some of the details for once again hosting councilor workshops in spring 2009. We have some preliminary dates and are now searching for facilities to house us. Keep an eye out for the announcement of details, hopefully in the next issue of Flos Carmeli.

We hope many of you will be able to attend the Regional Congress in Houston this September. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

Contact information for the new Provincial Council-­- Henrietta Albright, Gloria Guajardo, Elizabeth Korves, Dorothy Mansen and Nancy Thompson— follows in the O.C.D.S. Directory.

Study Groups asked to send minutes to Province

--by the Provincial Council

All Study Groups are required to send a copy of their monthly minutes to the Province. Since Father John Michael is no longer the Provincial Delegate, please send your minutes to our new Provincial Council secretary, Karen Harris, at . Karen will post the minutes to the private Provincial Council Yahoo group so that both the visitator of your study group and Father Bonaventure will have easy access to them. Please stop sending your minutes to Father John Michael and now send them to Karen instead. Thanks!

Events to celebrate with our friars

Recently the Provincial Council asked the friars to provide notice of professions, ordinations and major anniversaries so the information could appear in Flos Carmeli.

Such upcoming events include the following:

July 16 Brother Bernard, 25th anniversary of profession
Mount Carmel Center
4600 W Davis St
TX 75211-3498

July 18 Father Jenaro de la Cruz, 50th anniversary of ordination
PO Box 5280
San Antonio TX 78201-0280

July 20 Father Sam Anthony Morello, 55th anniversary of profession
2925 S. Carrollton Road
New Orleans
LA 70118

Reviewing O.C.D.S. legislation

--by Elizabeth Korves, O. C.D.S.

Is your copy of our O.C.D.S. legislation gathering dust? When did you last read through the Rule of St. Albert, the Constitutions, the Statutes and the Ritual (the introduction to the Ritual has some good material!)??

When we make our Promise, we commit ourselves to living out the Discalced Carmelite charism as it is outlined in these documents. So it is incredibly important that we be very familiar with them. We should be reading through our legislation on a regular basis. Some people read through all of it every few months. Some people read an article each day. Some read through one part each week (i.e. Rule of St Albert this weekend, Constitutions next weekend, Statutes the weekend after, etc.).

Every member of the Secular Order who has been clothed should have a copy of the full legislation handy. It can be downloaded from the Provincial Web site. Bound books (both hard-copy and paperback) can be ordered from the Provincial Web site. The Provincial Web site is at (note that AOL users have been having some problems accessing the site —the problem is with AOL, not the Web site).

So... is your copy of the legislation gathering dust or is it getting dog-eared from frequent use? Our commitment to Carmel calls for the latter!

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OCDS Directory


Bl. Mary of Jesus Crucified and the Prophet Elijah

Ms. Shrella West, President
608 S Matthews
Bunkie LA 71322
318 346-7449

DF: Janice Lacour 318 922-3150

Councilors: Mary Decuir, Joan Monsour & Debbie Malarcher

Treasurer: Flora Fuselier
318 335-1326

Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

Ms. Jo Anne Murphy, President
12513 Rush Creek Lane
Austin TX 78732
H – 512 828-6464, C -- 512 669-6300

DF: Diana Borja
512 917-3352 -cell

Marsha Benda
Sandra Gremp
Joan Brown

Evandro Menezes
512 336-8918

St. John
of the Cross and St. Paul the Apostle

Mr. Gordon Sibley, President
826 Danton Lane
Irondale AL 35210
205 957-9777

DF: Donna Hovey
334 567-0474

Councilors: Dianne Gotay, Judy Leurck & Sylvia Bresowar

Treasurer: Diana Nesbitt
205 424-2007

St. John of the Cross and St. Anthony

Mr. Clarence Landry, President
5814 Golden Pheasant Ct
Baton Rouge LA 70817
225 755-3037

DF: Jo Ann Daigle
225 687-4621

Councilors: Ethlyn White, Marie Tuminski & Carmelite Provine

St. Teresa of Jesus

Ms. Jean Hart, President
2276 Rolling Meadow Rd
Fairfield IA 52556-8555

DF: Roxann Sorenson
319 393-9226

Councilors: Carmen Baumgartner, Roseann Hayek & Cindy McElliott

Tom Hanley
319 393-5559

Mary, Queen of Carmel

Mr. Chad Cooper, President
4125 Ridge Brook Bend
Cumming GA 30039
770 335-6924 - cell

DF: Barbara Newberry

Councilors: Annette Fauci, Bob Kelley & David Jean

Infant Jesus of Prague

Ms. Jenny Aubert, President
6773 Clearwater Ranch Rd
Wills Point TX 75169
972 551-1512

DF: Katie Bready
214 320-3045

Councilors: Diane Zemenick, Rita Ladd & Judy Treadway

Treasurer: Teresa Enos

Bl Virgin Mary of Mt Carmel & H.M. St Teresa of Jesus

Mr. David G. Courtenay, Sr., President
813 Ford Street
Gulfport MS 39507
228 896-3102

DF: Beverly L. Courtenay

Councilors: Carlotta C. Bergeron, Corinne Bontemps & Herbert (Bert) Young

Cindy Bergeron
228 380-2079

The Most Holy Trinity and St. Joseph

Ms. Rebecca Segura, President
9827 Sageaspen Lane
Houston TX 77089-3501
281 485-5646

DF: Margaret Dybala

Councilors: Jackie Sanders, Sherry Maniscalco & Terry Sa Yun

Treasurer: Lenaida Pancho 281 416-7177

San Juan de la Cruz

Mr. Salvador Galindo, President
21203 Lazy Ravine Lane
Houston TX 77073
281 443-3096

DF: Ana Veronica Canek

Councilors: Jerry McBeth, Kay Dumesnil & Ernest Mendoza

Mary Cano
H- 979 885-7972, 979 256-9504 - cell

St. Joseph and St. Therese of Lisieux

Ms. Dorothy Ashley
4830 Raymond Rd
Jackson MS 39212
601 373-6304

DF: Sondra C. Powell
601 857-8910

Councilors: Edna Miller, Peggy Hamilton & Louise Fusilier

Helen M. Jones
601 362-0530

Mary Mother of Grace

M. Karol Meynard
126 Bradford Dr
Carencro LA 70520
337 886-6428

DF: Jeannine Meaux
337 893-7471

Councilors: Carleen Bourliea, Vicki Guilbeau & Maria Sere

Sally Comb
337 332-4402

St. Joseph, Guardian of Carmel

Ms. Mary Dennis, President
303 Sunnydale Rd
Opelousas LA 70570
337 826-7897

DF: DatieCespiva

Councilors: Bernice Gautreaux, Robert McCurry & Nelda Twedell

Treasurer: Arlene Ledet 337 896-9219

Blessed Ann of St. Bartholomew

Ms. Tricia Cromwell, President
1903 N Tyler Street
Little Rock AR 72207-4629
501 666-9449

DF: Ronnie Adams
501 463-4535

Councilors : Nancy Lowry, Joanie Goodwin & Jeannine Hart

Julie Breen Patrick

Blessed Miriam of Jesus Crucified

Mr. Jesus Campos, President
2423 E. Jackson St
Brownsville TX 78520

FD: Norma Vogel

Councilors: Iris Rodriguez, CeciliaDavis & Jo Ann Knapp

Treasurer: Lynn Vincentnathan

Holy Spirit

Mr. Paul Schubert, President
4009 Old Shell Rd #B-7
Mobile AL 36608

FD: Al Urbanski

Councilors: Linda Savarese, Maureen Caine & Kathy Ney

Treasurer: Paul Schubert

Most Holy Trinity

Ms. Leta Melder
2553 Friar Lake Lane
Spring TX 77373
281 350-9624

FD: Josephine Perez
281 360-3216

Councilors: Beverly Walton, Arlene Wilder & Robert Tadlock

Treasurer: Ray Broussard

Mary, Beloved of the Trinity

Ms. Peggy Tauzin, President
P.O. Box 9142
New Iberia LA
337 380-4829

FD: Gara Anderson
337 369-3409

Councilors: Andy Ringle, Michelle Steiner & Irene Mouton

Treasurer: Sarah Latiolais

Our Lady of Prompt Succor

Ms. Gloria C. Gagliano, President
10125 Idlewood Place
River Ridge LA 70123
504 737-7066

FD: Ada Jordan
cell – 504 615-6986, H -- 504 469-3549

Councilors: Richard Aquilo, Mary Bordelon & Shelly Thomas

Treasurer: Mary Phyfer 504 415-7739

Bl Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel & St. Teresa of Jesus

Ms. Susan Staudt, President
1219 Mockingbird Lane
Guthrie OK 73044
H- 405 282-6624, C- 405 473-6328

FD: Patti Robinson 405 794-9455

Councilors: Corliss Elsworth, Marie Lopez & Katherine Payne

William Ginn
405 737-2024

St. Joseph

Ms. Sharon Schulte, President
12 Sennawood Dr.
Fenton MO 63026
636 343-7893

FD: Patricia Daniels
217 744-8855

Councilors: Dave Travers, Anne Beach & Kathleen Moss

Treasurer: Anne Elmore 314 739-7170

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Therese

Ms. Elizabeth (Betty) Keller, President
550 Patricia
San Antonio TX 78216
H – 210 541-9673, C- 210 332-0884

FD: Susan King 210 912-9808 - cell

Councilors: Rosalia Zepeda, Anna Peterson & Nan Starjak

Treasurer: Brenda Parilla

Therese of the Child Jesus & Raphael Kalinowski

Ms. Mary Kay Daniels
3001 S Paxton St
Sioux City IA 51106
C-712 251-0442

FD: Nancy Rawe
402 494-9080

Councilors: Jeanette Davis, Penny Harvey & Maddy Kuhl

Treasurer: Karen Luft 712 276-7636



St. Joseph

Ms. Irene Robel, Facilitator
4101 St. Parker St
Amarillo TX 79110
806 354-2242

St. Joseph

Mr. John Eanes, President
330 Crabapple Springs Way
Woodstock GA 30188
770 826-5610

FD: Not yet appointed

Mary Agnes Larson
Carol Lloyd

Mary Spouse of the Holy Spirit

Patty Still, president
PO Box 580
Covington LA 70434
(985) 893-4547

FD: not yet appointed

Councillors: Roy Simon and Sandy Wall

St. Teresa of the Andes

Danithza Kufoy, President
914 Chinquapin St
DeRidder LA 70634
337 540-8684 --cell; 337 463-5546 – home

FD: Not yet appointed

Jeanette La Rosa
337 274-4184 -cell

Treasurer: Ernesto Kufoy 337 540-9280

The Exaltation of the Cross

Ms. Lois Vasquez, President
1130 FM 1460
Georgetown TX 78626

FD: DoraZavala
512 863-3691

Councilors: Dolores Ascona, Paula Boyd & Dora Zavala

Treasurer: Diane Gray 512 863-3691

St. Theresa

Ms. Margaret Yong, President
10323 Dude Road
Houston TX 77064
832 256-1117

FD: Margarita Dufilho
713 721-0547

Councilor: Alice Adler 281 448-4606

Treasurer: Mariguita (Marie) Cansino-Lim

La Nubecita del Carmelo

Ms. Julia Diaz, president
1401 Waterford Dr.
Killeen TX 76542
254 634-0335

FD: Angel Moises Acosta 254 519-2266

Councilor: Mariana Sanchez 254 554-2266

Treasurer: Luz Aida Acosta 254 519-2266

The Transfiguration

Mr. George Quinter, President
338 Island Ford Road
Lake City TX 37769
865 426-9922

FD: Mark Calvert 865 777-3654

Councilors: Mark Calvert, Jan Hicks & Ghislaine Miller

Treasurer: Dorothy Curtis 865 687-4637

St. Therese of the Little Flower

Ms. Jan Nerone, President
3010 Summit View Ct
Snellville GA 30078
770 982-3809

FD: Maryann Leveque
770 868-0359

Councilors: Patty Palmquist & Lucia Gesuelle

Treasurer: Dolores Long 770 963-9203

St. Edith Stein

Ms. Maria Delores Reyna, President
805 14th Street
Abernathy TX 79311
806 928-5313

FD: Maria Guadalupe Cruz 806 392-4943

Councilors: Maria Delores Reyna, Maria Guadalupe Cruz & Rita Crelia

Treasurer: Florence Rivas 806 792-1856


Elizabeth Boggess, President
P. O. Box 1756
Natchez MS 39121-1756
601 442-2787

FD: Elizabeth Boggess

Councillors: Anna Calhoun 601 442-2787 & Roma Golden

Treasurer: Camille G Durkin 601 446-7800

Our Lady of confidence and St. Joseph

Mr. Michael Burns, President
13 Sulgrave Rd
Savannah GA 31406

FD: Ingrid Close
912 754-7663

Councilor: Lenora Everett

Treasurer: Michael Burns 912 232-7147


Mr. Bobby Pearson, President
102 Woodland Trail
Madison AL 35758-8654
256 509-2441

FD: Not yet appointed
Donna Lowe, Acting

Councilors: Robbie Hayes & Marilyn Juricic

Treasurer: Not yet appointed
Robbie Hayes, Acting
256 508-6257

St. Joseph
and the Little Flower

Ms. Diana Scamman, President
4821 SW Urish Rd
Topeka KS 66610
785 478-4868

FD: Debbie Newton
785 539-8973

Councilors: Geri Prather

Treasurer: Diana Scamman 785 478-4868

G 15. WACO, TX
San Juan Diego

Ms. Juanita Gonzales, President
3608 N 25th Street
Waco TX 76708-1936
254 752-6866

FD: Opal Gonzales
254 666-4278

Councilors: Joanne Greenwood-Jones & Rebecca Blankenstein


Bonaventure Sauer, OCD
2925 South Carrollton Road
New Orleans LA 70118
504 861-9102; 504 865-1751 (fax)

Provincial Council

Elizabeth Korves, President
1015 E Yager Lane #57
Austin TX 78753
H- 512 491-8229 W- 512 471-1008

Nancy Thompson
1012 Estron St.
Iowa City IA 52246
H- 319 351-2569 C- 319 270-6923

Dorothy Mansen
2500 Lakewood Dr
Grand Prairie TX 75054
817 477-4246

Gloria Guajardo
277 W. Broadview Dr
San Antonio TX 78228-2857

210 434-7585

Henrietta Albright
11447 Cagle Ave
Baton Rouge LA 70811-1302
H- 225 774-8413
C- 225 315-8213

Secretary to Provincial Council

Karen Harris
3895 W Wood Path
Stone Mountain GA 30083
H- 404 501-9125
W- 678 985-6081

Provincial Secretary
Pat Darby
315 N Greenville Ave #1214
Allen TX 75002
214 495-0597

Provincial Web Site
