
A Note on Formation

Community and Carmelite formation

The future of the Order depends on the quality of the formation that candidates receive. It is the sacred duty of every member to be aware of and understand why community life is vital to growth. Full participation in community life provides a well-balanced formation program through the opportunities for fraternal interaction, studies, discussions, volunteering help and ongoing forbearance and forgiveness, all of which contribute to a well-balanced spirituality. Faithful attendance at the monthly meeting is a major factor in our transformation, because community provides the ideal setting for the optimum development in Christian and Carmelite growth. In addition, meeting together with like-minded people who share the same spiritual goal gives the support and encouragement necessary for a difficult journey one cannot make alone.

— "Our Journey Towards the Promises and Beyond: Requirements for Directors of Formation," by Teresa Martinez, O.C.D.S., published by the English Canadian O.C.D.S. Secretariat



Blogger Angie M said...

Your original post was in January 2008 - it is now May 2016 - here is my comment:

I am coming to the end of my second year of initial formation - your paragraph has no bearing on the group to which I belong - it is very small, people come and go, in the time I have been here the Constitutions have not been looked at, there has been no conversation with the formations director, and each monthly meeting has a different format. I would not call this a stable group, or a close community, and there is very little sharing. The people are holy people, but we have holy people at my church. Sometimes the Holy Spirit directs us in ways which are extremely challenging. I cherish my little group - it must all be my fault.

1:54 PM  

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