Provincial Council report

October 2007
This reporting period was a time of a number of visitations. Amelia insanely left the cooler tempertures of Iowa to visit the Dallas community in August, the hottest part of the year in Texas. In Sept, she visited our Oklahoma City community. Nancy journeyed to Lafayette to visit the two communities there in June and Little Rock in Sept. She visited the Sioux City community in July which included meeting the South Dakota and Omaha Groups in Discernment. We have decided that Gerald is truly jinxed in relation to our Topeka group. He managed to visit the Houston St Therese study group in August but a serious family emergency resulted in a third postponement of his visit to Topeka. Elizabeth had car trouble on her way to visit Lubbock which resulted in a shortened visit although she was glad to be able to still keep to her overnight stay with one of our isolates on the way back home. She tried to escape the August Texas heat with a visitation to Cedar Rapids but it was just as hot and humid up there as it was back in Austin.
When not on the road, the Provincial Council has been working on guidelines for our canonical communities when they mentor a group in discernment, the leadership/elections FAQ in this issue, provincial council elections, and various pastoral questions that have come up with communities around the province.
We’d like to remind everyone to regularly check in on the provincial website at We update it all the time with new stuff that we come across which we feel might be helpful to the members of our province. Check the “What’s New” link towards the bottom of the page if you don’t want to simply browse…although you might find (or re-find) something interesting just by browsing around things. We especially encourage all our councils to take note of the Best Practices areas particularly the section on discernment. We are finding ourselves referring councils to that information frequently when giving advice on discernment issues.
October 2007
This reporting period was a time of a number of visitations. Amelia insanely left the cooler tempertures of Iowa to visit the Dallas community in August, the hottest part of the year in Texas. In Sept, she visited our Oklahoma City community. Nancy journeyed to Lafayette to visit the two communities there in June and Little Rock in Sept. She visited the Sioux City community in July which included meeting the South Dakota and Omaha Groups in Discernment. We have decided that Gerald is truly jinxed in relation to our Topeka group. He managed to visit the Houston St Therese study group in August but a serious family emergency resulted in a third postponement of his visit to Topeka. Elizabeth had car trouble on her way to visit Lubbock which resulted in a shortened visit although she was glad to be able to still keep to her overnight stay with one of our isolates on the way back home. She tried to escape the August Texas heat with a visitation to Cedar Rapids but it was just as hot and humid up there as it was back in Austin.
When not on the road, the Provincial Council has been working on guidelines for our canonical communities when they mentor a group in discernment, the leadership/elections FAQ in this issue, provincial council elections, and various pastoral questions that have come up with communities around the province.
We’d like to remind everyone to regularly check in on the provincial website at We update it all the time with new stuff that we come across which we feel might be helpful to the members of our province. Check the “What’s New” link towards the bottom of the page if you don’t want to simply browse…although you might find (or re-find) something interesting just by browsing around things. We especially encourage all our councils to take note of the Best Practices areas particularly the section on discernment. We are finding ourselves referring councils to that information frequently when giving advice on discernment issues.
Our Houston communities are making good progress on planning next year’s OCDS Regional Congress. They have a webpage up at so check it regularly for updates.
And a final reminder for planning ahead. We anticipate once again offering workshops for councils in spring of 2009. We want to give you this early reminder so communities can plan financially to cover the costs of sending at least one council member to one of the workshops.
--Provincial Council:
Pascal Alfano, Gerald Alford, Elizabeth Korves, Nancy Thompson, and Amelia Wilken
Pascal Alfano, Gerald Alford, Elizabeth Korves, Nancy Thompson, and Amelia Wilken
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