
Extending Formation

Extending a Formation Period

Section I of the Provincial Statutes allows for extending each formation period when necessary. It is important to realize that the times given in the Constitutions are considered MINIMAL times for each formation period.

There are many reasons that a council might feel it is best to extend the formation period longer than mentioned in the Constitutions. Sometimes a candidate will ask for more time before proceeding to the next stage of formation. Always the extension of a formation period should not be viewed in a negative light but as something meant to be supportive of the needs of the candidate in relation to being properly formed in the Carmelite charism.

At the National Council meeting in Seattle in June, our OCDS General Delegate clarified that if a person is in First Promise and that formation period is extended, then the candidate needs to renew the First Promise. This renewal should be done just like the original profession --using the Ritual and taking place at a Mass or at the Liturgy of the Hours. The only change is that in place of "for the next three years," the candidate makes the Promise for the time period of the extension, i.e. "for the next 18 months."

It is important to remember that at the end of the three years, the First Promise expires. Once the Promise expires, the person is no longer a member of the Order. So it is important that the Local Council (or the Provincial Council in the case of Study Groups) grant permission for an extension and the candidate publicly renew the Promise at the point in time when the initial three year period comes to an end.
--The Provincial Council

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