
Provincial Council Report

It sure feels like we’ve been busier than this report will make it sound. Basically, we’ve been doing many things that are behind-the-scenes. Elizabeth has been working on putting together our legislation book. Amelia has been trying to pull together an up-to-date and accurate list of our isolates although every couple of weeks, we seem to hear from someone new changing her list. Nancy and Gerald have been working on a brochure (based on samples provided by a few different communities) which our communities can use for letting people know about OCDS. And Pascal continues to mostly pray for us as he continues putting his life back together after Katrina. The good news is that he’s received his insurance money which has enabled him to sign for building a new home.

And there was that brief aside of dreaming going to Dijon to reflect upon how to best celebrate this 100th anniversary of the death of Elizabeth of the Trinity. The vote however, went in favor of holding off until next year to visit Mt Carmel in celebration of 800 years of the Rule of St Albert. Now if only we could find some generous benefactor to cover the expenses of our dreaming!

We have some great news to share. Our Father General, Fr. Luis Aróstegui Gamboa will be making a fraternal visit of our province in early October. Even though we are all eager to see each other, we’ve decided to postpone our annual Provincial Council meeting and hold it during his visit since our Provincial, Fr. Gregory Ross, has indicated that we should meet with the Father General. We are very excited to be given such an opportunity and look forward to what will be a special event for us. Details of the Father General’s schedule have not yet been worked out but hopefully there will be some opportunities for some of our OCDS to meet him.

We are gearing up for another year of visitations. None were made in these past few months as we’ve been busy contacting the communities and study groups which we’ll visit this year. We will be revisiting a few of our younger study groups and visiting many communities and study groups for the first time this year. And next year, we’ll complete our three year cycle during which all our communities will have received a visit.

The friars are making progress on setting up a website for themselves. Soon we hope to transfer our OCDS provincial webpages to that site.

We wish everyone a blessed and happy Easter!!

Provincial Council:
Pascal Alfano, Gerald Alford, Elizabeth Korves, Nancy Thompson, and Amelia Wilken

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