"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, so that they may always see my glory.." John 17:24
DALLAS - Infant Jesus of Prague
Samantha Mitchell McCord of Jesus of Sherman. Texas, was born on August 4, 1920 and passed away May 26,2005. Samantha made her final promise on July 16, 1987. She became an Isolate in the early 90's and was a gentle soul.
Jean Wood of the Sacred Heart was born in Buffalo, NY
on August 6, 1909, and passed away April 23, 2005, in Wills Point, TX. She graduated from Ursaline Academy in 1928, and from St. Paul School of Nursing in 1932. Having worked in various hospitals, she then joined the Army Corp of Nurses during World War II and served in England., France, and Belgium,. Upon returning to Dallas., she worked as a school nurse for many years. Jean never married but raised six of her nieces and nephews upon the death of her sister. Jean was a happy person down to earth and dedicated to her life as a Carmelite. She joyfully accepted her last years in a nursing home in Wills Point. She made her first promise in 1978.
Frances McLoughlin of the Child Jesus was born
on the Feast of the Presentation, February 2, 1906, and passed away on the Feast of the Visitation, May 31, 2005. Frances was orphaned as a young adult and graduated from Barea College, Barea, KY and became a Librarian. She lived in South Bend, Indiana, before coming to Texas. She never married and was lifelong friend and roommate with Agnes Mahon, ocds. She gave her life in service to the Church. Frances had a delightful dry wit and a love for life, her friends, and her vocation as a Carmelite. Her Carmelite friends were with her during her last hours. She made her definitive promise on January 4, 1955.
LAFAYETTE-Mary, Mother of Grace
Gladys Chaisson, Monica Marie of Divine Mercy, was born on March 11, 1935, in Pine Island, LA and passed away April 11, 2005. Gladys made her definitive promise on May 21, 2000, and was a widow; however, she had seven grandchildren, 13 grandchildren, and one great grandchild. For many years, she worked as a school cafeteria worker. Because of severe asthma, emphysema and a heart condition, she was unable to attend the meetings, but kept in touch by visits from members and the monthly calendar sent to her. She always looked forward to hearing the news about the community. Her favorite way of evangelizing was by making and distributing rosaries to her family and friends. All the homebound of our community have been blessed with the gift of a rosary and her remembrance of them in her prayers. Gladys came near death several times, and credited the Lord for her recoveries and for deepening within her an awareness of the apostolate of suffering for family, friends and for her Carmelite community.
Ailine Cailier was also from the Lafayette community. Her memorial was in the last issue of Flos Carmeli.
ST.LOUIS - St. Joseph
Henrietta Richter, Therese Marie of Our Lady born April 1, 1914 and passed away January 21, 2005, Henrietta was a faithful member of pur community for many years. Her profession date was May 16, 1982, She was a volunteer with Sr. Paula Marie in the Monastery office. In later years, she was the sole caregiver of her brother during his illness, following in the "Little Way" of the one whose name she took in religion, Camilla Agee, of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Camilla was born October 29, 1899 and passed away February 7, 2005. She was professed in 1963 in New York and became a member of our community in 1983. Camilla did volunteer work in her parish gift shop for many years. She continued with our community until 1995, after which time she lived in a nursing home in St. Louis. She was an inspiration of faithfulness and determination to our Carmelite family and a gentle soul who was called Home at the age of 106.
NEW IBERIA - Mary Beloved of the Trinity
Freda Umpheries, Margaret Mary Augustine of the Lamb Crucified passed away October 3, 2004. When she was 40, she had to go to a nursing home because of crippling rheumatoid arthritis. It was there that she discovered the Carmelite spirit through a spiritual director. She completed her formation as an Isolate, completely bed bound; however, her prayer and study were very important to her. She attended her clothing at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church via ambulance on May 5, 2000 and made her first promise on December 15, 2002. Her apostolate, along with offering up personal sufferings, was sending greeting cards with words of encouragement and assurance of her prayers to priests, locally and worldwide. She accomplished this by asking for donations of greeting cards and stamps. Despite her physical limitations, she was a fantastic artist. Freda gave us an example of determined determination and inspired us all.
"Come blessed of my Father, says the Lord Jesus, and take possession of the kingdom prepared for you." Matt 25:34
"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, so that they may always see my glory.." John 17:24
DALLAS - Infant Jesus of Prague
Samantha Mitchell McCord of Jesus of Sherman. Texas, was born on August 4, 1920 and passed away May 26,2005. Samantha made her final promise on July 16, 1987. She became an Isolate in the early 90's and was a gentle soul.
Jean Wood of the Sacred Heart was born in Buffalo, NY

Frances McLoughlin of the Child Jesus was born

LAFAYETTE-Mary, Mother of Grace
Gladys Chaisson, Monica Marie of Divine Mercy, was born on March 11, 1935, in Pine Island, LA and passed away April 11, 2005. Gladys made her definitive promise on May 21, 2000, and was a widow; however, she had seven grandchildren, 13 grandchildren, and one great grandchild. For many years, she worked as a school cafeteria worker. Because of severe asthma, emphysema and a heart condition, she was unable to attend the meetings, but kept in touch by visits from members and the monthly calendar sent to her. She always looked forward to hearing the news about the community. Her favorite way of evangelizing was by making and distributing rosaries to her family and friends. All the homebound of our community have been blessed with the gift of a rosary and her remembrance of them in her prayers. Gladys came near death several times, and credited the Lord for her recoveries and for deepening within her an awareness of the apostolate of suffering for family, friends and for her Carmelite community.
Ailine Cailier was also from the Lafayette community. Her memorial was in the last issue of Flos Carmeli.
ST.LOUIS - St. Joseph
Henrietta Richter, Therese Marie of Our Lady born April 1, 1914 and passed away January 21, 2005, Henrietta was a faithful member of pur community for many years. Her profession date was May 16, 1982, She was a volunteer with Sr. Paula Marie in the Monastery office. In later years, she was the sole caregiver of her brother during his illness, following in the "Little Way" of the one whose name she took in religion, Camilla Agee, of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Camilla was born October 29, 1899 and passed away February 7, 2005. She was professed in 1963 in New York and became a member of our community in 1983. Camilla did volunteer work in her parish gift shop for many years. She continued with our community until 1995, after which time she lived in a nursing home in St. Louis. She was an inspiration of faithfulness and determination to our Carmelite family and a gentle soul who was called Home at the age of 106.
NEW IBERIA - Mary Beloved of the Trinity
Freda Umpheries, Margaret Mary Augustine of the Lamb Crucified passed away October 3, 2004. When she was 40, she had to go to a nursing home because of crippling rheumatoid arthritis. It was there that she discovered the Carmelite spirit through a spiritual director. She completed her formation as an Isolate, completely bed bound; however, her prayer and study were very important to her. She attended her clothing at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church via ambulance on May 5, 2000 and made her first promise on December 15, 2002. Her apostolate, along with offering up personal sufferings, was sending greeting cards with words of encouragement and assurance of her prayers to priests, locally and worldwide. She accomplished this by asking for donations of greeting cards and stamps. Despite her physical limitations, she was a fantastic artist. Freda gave us an example of determined determination and inspired us all.
"Come blessed of my Father, says the Lord Jesus, and take possession of the kingdom prepared for you." Matt 25:34
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