Spring 05 Flos Carmeli
Spring 2005 Flos Carmeli
Two of our Study Groups have requested permission to hold elections. Permission has been granted to Knoxville TN and to Mobile AL to hold local elections. Because their status as Study Groups requires appointments (rather than election) of officers according to Statute XV. 2)., each group has been instructed to submit the result of their local election to myself and the Provincial council. The newly postulated officers are not to be installed until we approve their selected candidates for office. [2]
A note of clarification. When a member of our order is not eligible to be elected to office, a postulation is always possible. This means the candidate is submitted to a higher authority for approval. According to statute III.3.b., for instance, a sitting president who has served two consecutive terms is not eligble to be elected for a third consecutive term. Although not specified in our local OCDS statutes, the OCD Norms require a 2/3 majority vote in order to be posulated. For this reason, be sure to keep an accurate count of how many votes were cast and how many votes the postulated candidate
received, when submitting anyone for postulation.
On 01-Mar-05, Fr. Gregory Ross was elected Provincial of our province to succeed Father Ralph. Frs. Marion Joseph, Stephen and Jesús were elected by the younger Fathers to go to the chapter. The older Friars going will be Sam Anthony, Raphael, and Henry. I will be attending the day of the chapter devoted to the Secular Order [Thur., 25-May-05] along with our OCDS Provincial Council. My picture was taken under Pope John Paul’s bunting on the day after he died. John Paul II died Saturday night at 9:37 pm in Rome. In these days of sede vacante (the empty throne) we pray the Spirit guide the cardinals in selecting a new pope. The conclave begins on Monday, April 18th.
Gregory was born 21-Oct-64 in Ft Worth TX, entered our order after studying at Notre Dame in Indiana on 15-Jul-89 at Marylake. He was professed Gregory of the Trinity 16-Jul-90, studied in San Antonio, then St Charles seminary in Philadelphia.
Ordained 16-Dec-95 in New Orleans, he did post-graduate work in Rome from 1996-99. On his return from Rome he was appointed Student Master in New Orleans 1999-2005. He has served as Assistant to our New Orleans OCDS since 2000, and in Covington since 2003. Gregory is a mild-mannered man, a gentle soul from whose mouth no one has heard a harsh word. At least not yet! We look forward to his installation at the provincial chapter which opens on May 16 in Oklahoma City. We thank Father Ralph for his interest in the Secular Order. He is the first Provincial in our history to invite the Secular Order and our Nuns to participate in the provincial chapter. Our OCDS Provincial Council will be given a full day at the chapter on May 25. Originally scheduled for a half-day presentation by our present OCD Provincial Council as they planned the chapter agenda, former provincial Fr. Bonaventure, urged the Council to give us a full day.
Two of our Study Groups have requested permission to hold elections. Permission has been granted to Knoxville TN and to Mobile AL to hold local elections. Because their status as Study Groups requires appointments (rather than election) of officers according to Statute XV. 2)., each group has been instructed to submit the result of their local election to myself and the Provincial council. The newly postulated officers are not to be installed until we approve their selected candidates for office. [2]
A note of clarification. When a member of our order is not eligible to be elected to office, a postulation is always possible. This means the candidate is submitted to a higher authority for approval. According to statute III.3.b., for instance, a sitting president who has served two consecutive terms is not eligble to be elected for a third consecutive term. Although not specified in our local OCDS statutes, the OCD Norms require a 2/3 majority vote in order to be posulated. For this reason, be sure to keep an accurate count of how many votes were cast and how many votes the postulated candidate

On 01-Mar-05, Fr. Gregory Ross was elected Provincial of our province to succeed Father Ralph. Frs. Marion Joseph, Stephen and Jesús were elected by the younger Fathers to go to the chapter. The older Friars going will be Sam Anthony, Raphael, and Henry. I will be attending the day of the chapter devoted to the Secular Order [Thur., 25-May-05] along with our OCDS Provincial Council. My picture was taken under Pope John Paul’s bunting on the day after he died. John Paul II died Saturday night at 9:37 pm in Rome. In these days of sede vacante (the empty throne) we pray the Spirit guide the cardinals in selecting a new pope. The conclave begins on Monday, April 18th.
Gregory was born 21-Oct-64 in Ft Worth TX, entered our order after studying at Notre Dame in Indiana on 15-Jul-89 at Marylake. He was professed Gregory of the Trinity 16-Jul-90, studied in San Antonio, then St Charles seminary in Philadelphia.

Deacon Ray Jones was appointed Assistant to Waco on 15-Dec-05. Juanita Gonzales was appointed president of our OCDS Study Group in Waco, and Opal Gonzales as Director of Formation on 03-Feb-05.

Ann Dawson (congress photo) was elected president of Dallas, replacing Susan Ortega who has served as president last trienium. Pat Thompson was re-elected president of Austin. The only other communities I’ve heard from at this writing are Oklahoma City\Piedmont who elected former Formation Director, Deacon James Braezile president. Congratulations Jim, and to all our newly elected presidents and councillors.
Father Louis Pavlicek was appointed Assistant to Georgetown on 20-Mar-05. Lois Vasquez is president, Dora Zavala formation director, Paula Boyd & Dolores Ascona, councillors, and Ellen Monroe is secretary of our new Study Group in this small college town north of Austin. They meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month at St Helen’s church, 2700 East University Ave, for 8:00am Morning Prayer followed by 8:30 Mass, and retire to Pawlicki Center for their meeting at 9:30am. Former pastor, Michael Mulvey, who encourged this group to begin, has been reassigned to the chancery by Bishop Gregory Aymond.
On the last days of March and first weekend of April, the Austin and Dallas communities had a combined retreat in Belton Texas with Susan Muto, a renowed scholar from the University of Duquesne who has worked with Adrian Van Kaam in his Institute there. We highly recommend that our communities who are in close proximity to one another consider the possibility of joining in a combined efforts such as this. An inter-provincial effort is taking place in April between our Knoxville TN Study Group and a community in Asheville South Carolina on the apostolate. Hopefully we will hear more about this at our National Congress this fall. Picture of Susan on

Pat Darby, our provincial secretary, has been selected by our new provincial council to be our province’s representative to the National Council. [3-4]
I accompanied Provincial Councillor Pascal Alfano to Birmingham for visitation of our community in that city. A group beginning in Madison Alabama joined us for this visitation. Pascal appointed Donna Lowe director of formation for this group, and approved the aspirants for clothing. As no one had a ritual, we decided to have them obtain a local priest in Madison to perform the investiture ceremony. This would also give them the chance to enlist the help of a local priest as their Assistant which they need in order to become an official OCDS Study Group.
The photograph was taken during the visitation. Pascal is

During a lenten mission in Mountain Home given in March, I found two OCDS members, Joan and Edith Dore. Joan was professed in 1996, and made her vows in Palm Bay FL (near the NASA launching pad) in 2002. Joan, I believe, retired to Florida from New York. Her son married Edith. Edith was professed in April 2000, and requested permission to make her Definitive promise. The Dores left Florida in June 2002 to live in St Peter the Fishman parish in Mountain Home Arkansas. I told them, as isolates they needed to connect with an OCDS Community, and offered them either Little Rock or St Louis. They preferred St Louis, saying they would rather travel there to present themselves to the council in preparation for Edith’s Promise. Thery also wanted to begin an OCDS Study Group in Mountain Home. I told them I was against Study Groups springing up by spontaneous combustion in isolated places. That first they need to attend to Edith’s Definitive Promise through St Louis. If the St Louis or Little Rock council saw a need to begin a Study Group in Mountain Home, then the councils could arrange that. I furnished them with the e-mail and phone of St Louis’ president and formation director, and e-mailed the president who said they would take care of the Dores.
Then Edith’s friends, Gerri Unger and Kate Sullivan came to see me about starting a Study Group in Mountain Home. They preferred to connect with Little Rock as it is an hour closer to Mountain Home than St Louis. I gave them the phone numbers of Little Rock’s president and formation director, and sent them a copy of our Rule and 2003 Constitutions. I also told them they had a baptismal right to gather and study Carmelite spirituality, but it would not be an OCDS Study Group until approved. [4-5]
I then was contacted by Peggy Lodewyks in Eureka Springs. She wants to begin a Study Group with her hermit friend Marlene Gonczy. They came to Little Rock, personally to introduce themselves and their situation at the April meeting.
Isolate Formation
Because of the reluctance the provincial council has experienced with with some of our local communities in taking on isolated aspirants for long-distance formation, I would like to remind our members that our provincial ban on isolate mail-order formation has been over-ruled by the new constitutions. Each community and Study Group should consider it their responsibility to care for isolated aspirants in their area who seek to enter our order.
Fr. Jacek Szuster, pastor of St. Augustine’s, 211 N Pinetree Blvd in Thomasville, was appointed Assistant [on 14-Jan-05], to our OCDS Study Group that meets there each month. President John Puskar suggested changing the meeting time from the 3rd Sunday of the month to a weekday. “This will allow us more time together for pray, study time and meditation.”
As we begin a new triennium under a new pope, new Provincial, and newly elected local councils, we ask the Holy Spirit to guide us to live our Carmelite life for the benefit of our holy church. As you prepare to send your election results to Pat Darby, this would be a good time to update your membership roster. I would appreciate a copy of these rosters. I ask you to include birthdates (including the year, ladies!) 1st Promise and Definitive Promise dates for all professed members, and clothing dates for all novices. God bless our newly appointed secretaries.
Yours in Carmel,
Fr. John Michael Payne, OCD
Provincial delegate to OCDS
Fr. John Michael Payne, OCD
Provincial delegate to OCDS
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